Tag: Swing Out Sister

Trackademicks Loves Swing Out Sister

Posted on Jun 3rd, 2009

I have to thank my mom for the lovefest about to take place…

As a kid in the 80s, I really only listened to what my mom listened to- Wham!, Sade, Tears For Fears, Basia, and of course Swing Out Sister. These were groups I loved way before I could name a hip-hop group. About as close as it got to hip-hop in my house was Bob James’ “Take Me to the Mardi Gras” or the KING OF R&B’s best album “Don’t Be Cruel”…

Swing Out Sister’s brand of Sophisti-Pop is probably my biggest personal influence. Lush string arrangements, solid topic matter, fresh chords, and intelligent pop sensibility- a lot of the ideals I use to guide my own brand of SOPHISTI-SLAP (yes, term invented by me).

“Twilight World” is my favorite song from them, followed by HELLA others…

I only bring all this up now because I get to see them for the FIRST TIME EVER at Bimbo’s in San Francisco – Tonight!

And I’m taking my mom.
Do I seem excited?
