A-Trak & Lee Foss

Free (feat. Uncle Chucc)

Release Date: 09/30/22 FGR299

It started with a DJ blend. A-Trak was revisiting Goodie Mob’s classic first album Soul Food and was touched by Cee-Lo’s spiritual vocals on the intro. It sparked an idea: speeding them up and throwing them over a house beat. And just like that, “Free” was born. He later linked with 1500 Or Nothing member and Snoop collaborator Uncle Chucc to reinterpret the vocal, and enlisted Lee Foss to work on the earthy, percussive groove. Lee is already having a spectacular year, with his label Repopulate Mars hitting the top seller mark on Beatport.“Free” is a deeply moving song that reaches far beyond house music. It speaks to a basic human yearning for decency and unity, a raw feeling that anyone can get behind.


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  • A-Trak
    10 Seconds Vol. 1