Food Gold: Mashed Potatoes (Better Than Mom's!)
Posted on Jan 27th, 2010
So this week the bros behind Dinner With The Band and the Finger On The Pulse parties, the twins of steel Greg and Darin, asked me to be on their Snacky Tunes Radio show to chat about Food Gold and my website RCRD LBL. Anti Pop Consortium were also in the house and we had a blast.
During the course of our convo, I got into talking a lot about Mashed Potatoes so I thought it was only right to share this recipe with you. If you follow these very basic rules, the lumpy, thick as bricks mashed pots yer Mom used to serve will be a thing of the past. The key is not overmixing or overmashing as that releases too much starch and will turn your mix into goo. So with the less is more mantra in mind, let’s get light and fluffy! Read More