FACT Magazine just posted up Sammy Banana’s slinky new remix for R&B upstart Tinashe. Check it out, and hear more new Sammy cuts on East Village Radio tonight, where he’ll be filling in for Mark Ronson on Authentic Shit from 8-10pm.
This Friday on The FADER’s “The Let Out” on East Village Radio, they had ATLien and Killer Mike associate Pill by to kick some rhymes, and whaddayaknow, one of the tracks he goes over just happens to be Trackademicks’ “Topsidin” instrumental from the “Enjoy What You Do / Topsidin” single (available here and everywhere else digital music is sold, vinyl on its way!) Sure, it’s a “freestyle” in the most literal sense, but as always it’s cool to hear other rappers on our stuff.
Elsewhere on the internet airwaves, you can listen to this extensive Trackademicks interview with Streets Is Talking Radio right here. “In the words of Mac Mall, this interview is full of ‘Nathan But Game,'” says Track. Grab it!
Check out Fistfight (pictured above, except now he has a beard) of Nacho Lovers doing a guest DJ set on “The Let Out” on East Village Radio today (7.18) from 6-8pm EST. If you miss the live broadcast, grab the podcast later on!